Hi there! My name is Tanner Smith.
I'm originally from Atlanta, GA, but I currently live in San Carlos, CA.
I'm a software engineering manager at Apple in Cupertino, CA.
I'm never really sure what else to put on an about page. What do people want to know about me?
I could tell you about hobbies. I enjoy computers, aviation, cooking, and baking. Speaking of aviation, I got my pilot's license just after I got my driver's license. I was so close!
TV shows are good to talk about. I could tell you genres I think I like, but I'll just list a few. My favorite TV shows include Doctor Who, Seinfeld, House, and Frasier. I think my favorite movie might be Airplane! or Arrival.
I went to school at the Georgia Institute of Technology (aka "Georgia Tech") and graduated in the Fall of 2013 with a BS in Computer Science. Buzz is awesome.
I think that's everything I can think of for an about page for now.
If I missed something or you want to know something, feel free to contact me!